Going Outside and Walking

I personally like walking, and there are a few reasons for this. Even though most times I do not want to go outside much, it is quite literally unavoidable. Normally, after school I take the bus home, which results in me still having to walk as my house is like 5 minutes away from the bus stop. Every single time I do this, it gives me a feeling of refreshment and gets me ready for the things that I do when I get in my house. Another time that I do this is when I go to Min Math, an academy. This is what I feel about going outside and walking.

Going to the Playground With Your Friends (or by yourself)

It has become quite prevelent to me that there are many more things to do outside rather then inside (arguably). These days, I have started spending more time at playgrounds, mainly because of my friend, Eugene. I started enjoying playing at playgrounds back in 2021, as there used to be a playground near my house with a good amount of swings, and this was the main reason why I started playing at playgrounds. After 2021, I forgot that playgrounds existed, and just did other things. However, as mentioned before, because of Eugene I started playing at playgrounds more often. That's about it.

Playing With Legos

A few of my close friends know that I am a big fan of Legos. Ever since that day back in 2012, things have never been the same. Since that day, I have immersed myself periodically in the Lego world, where you can build practically anything you want, such as a car, time machine, or a complex machine which ejects projectiles at blazing speeds extremley fast, and is very lethal (you know what I am talking about). Whenever something important happens, sometimes I get the chance to buy a Lego. Normally, it is something that is quite small, as most people know that these pieces of plastic have the price of literal silver (that was a joke laugh now please). Anyways, the main reason why I still play with legos is because of the builidng expirience. Without that, I would most likely quit Legos. That is why I think that playing with Legos is something that you should try out.

Watching TV

These days, I watch a lot less TV then I used to. This is mainly because I prefer to do other things, such as playing games, but, I still do watch some TV and still enjoy it. Anyways, most times whenever I watch TV, I watch netflix and this specific series called 'History 101'. Although I skipped a few of the vides because they were not very intresting, there were some other fun videos such as one about credit cards, the war on oil, and other intersting videos. Another series that I recommend on Netflix is WW2 in color. This series has a lot of video about WW2, and in color which is really hard to find! This series basically talks about WW2, and gives a lot of historical context making it very enjoyable. Anyways, this is why I like watching TV.

Playing Video Games.

Now, I will write something shorter so that you do not get bored. Playing Video Games are arguably one of my favorite things to do. The main reason why I like playing video games is because video games allow yourself to do things that you cannot do in real life. For example, you can be an German troop guarding the beaches of normandy, and "neutralize" any "opposition" which gets in your way (I'm trying to keep it family friendly here). Another reason why I like playing video games is because there are a wide variety of games that I can choose from, such as the one mentioned before. These are the main reasons why I like playing videogames.

Sleeping or Getting rest. Scroll Down!

I would like to resolve one possible misunderstanding first. By getting rest, I mean that you are sitting on the couch doing nothing, or something related to that. Anyways, back to the point. I have to admit that the main reason I added this is because I ran out of ideas. However, I do believe that getting rest is quite important and that you should get a lot of it. One thing that I would like to talk about is how I like to go to sleep. Normally, at around 10:00pm or so, I take a nice somewhat warm shower. After that, I dry myself off, and wear my pajamas. Then, I proceed to go to my matress, and sleep. You may be wondering, why a matress? Well, that is because I really like the matress, it is just more comfy than the bed. If you go to bed early, you feel refreshed when you arrive at school. However, if you sleep late, you feel sleepy during the day. This is why I think that sleeping or getting rest is good.